1. Exercise of Two Connected Oids

Instantiate one button component (button-oid) connected to a switch component (switch-oid). When the user clicks this button it turns the switch on and off alternately.

2. Exercise bar-oid

Write an Oid named bar-oid that draws a bar made from characters. It defines two properties:

  • char: character used to draw the bar;
  • size: number of characters of the bar.



<bar-oid char="*" size="10"></bar-oid>




<bar-oid char="#" size="15"></bar-oid>



3. Exercise increase-oid

Write an Oid that shows the text “Increase X”. When the user clicks on it the component sends a message with the value of X to the bus. X is a value informed in a property named rate.

Upgrade the component of the previous exercise to receive a message with a numeric value and increase the size of the bar with the respective value.



<increase-oid rate="5" publish="click~increase/bar"></increase-oid>
<bar-oid char="*" size="10" subscribe="increase/bar~increase"></bar-oid>


Increase 5

Every time the user clicks on the message “Increase 5” the bar size increases by 5 characters.