This guide shows how to build new Oids in JavaScript.


  id: 'ex:sample',
  element: 'sample-oid',
  properties: {
    name: {default: 'World'}
  provide: ['itf:transfer'],
  stylesheet: ['../imported-styles.css'],
  styles: css`
    .myclass {
      color: blue;
  template: html`<h1 class="myclass">Hello, </h1>`,
  receive: ['test'], // {'test': 'handleTest'}
  implementation: OidSample
  • id: unique id of the Oid
  • element: the label of the HTML element, if it is a web component
  • properties: properties to be attached to the component
    • default: default value assigned to the property in the beginning
    • attribute: true if the HTML attribute affects the property (default is true)
    • readonly: if true, defines only a get method, without a set (default is false)
  • provide: list of interfaces provided by this component (see Connection section)
  • stylesheet: list of external stylesheet links imported to the local template
  • styles: locally defined styles applied to the template
  • template: HTML/SVG/XML template to render
  • receive: list of the notices treated by handled by the component
    • array format: lists only the supported notices, automatically mapped to handleNotice handler
    • object format: lists the supported notices and the respective handler
  • implementation: name of the class that implements extra code for the component, when it is necessary

An example of a basic component (see the complete code on GitHub):

  id: 'ex:basic',
  element: 'basic-oid',
  properties: {
    name: {}
  template: `<h1>Hello, </h1>`

An example of a component with a provided interface and extra code (see the complete code on GitHub):

export class HelloOid extends OidUI {
  handleSend (topic, message) { = message.value

  id: 'ex:hello',
  element: 'hello-oid',
  properties: {
    name: {default: 'nobody'}
  provide: ['itf:transfer'],
  template: html`<h1>Hello, </h1>`,
  implementation: HelloOid

Notice -> Publish -> Subscribe -> Notice

All components’ communication follows the path notice -> publish -> subscribe -> notice, as illustrated in the following figure.

Notice Publish-Subscribe Notice

Step 1: Notifying a Notice

An Oid triggers notices, which will be converted into publications if there is a mapping clause (publish="") in the instantiation:

this._notify(notice, message)

Dynamic Template

Templates can be defined in the class as a template method, as follows (see the complete code on GitHub):

import { html, Oid, OidUI } from '/lib/oidlib-dev.js'

export class BarOid extends OidUI {
  template () {
    return html`${this.char.repeat(this.size)}`

  id: 'ex:bar',
  element: 'bar-oid',
  properties: {
    char: {default: '-'},
    size: {default: '10'}
  implementation: BarOid

This template method can use all features of template literals, including calling methods to compute values, as shows the example.